Biografa de Jonathan Edwards: Su vida, obra y pensamiento
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Descubre la cautivadora vida y las profundas ideas de Jonathan Edwards en este convincente libro del aclamado autor Juan Carlos de la Cruz.
A lo largo de 16 captulos, descubrirs el mundo en el que Edwards vivi, desde el vibrante panorama religioso de Nueva Inglaterra hasta su familia, infancia y educacin. Sigue su transformador viaje de conversin, llamado y peregrinacin espiritual, siendo testigo del impacto en su vida y ministerio. Explora su matrimonio, hijos y las profundas races de su herencia ministerial. Obtn perspicacia sobre su vida laboral, carcter y mtodo nico de predicacin que conmovi a innumerables corazones. Adntrate en su influyente teologa y enriquece tu vida con la sabidura presente en sus escritos.
Presencia la importancia de los avivamientos y su papel en la vida de Edwards. Conoce a sus renombrados amigos y mentores, quienes moldearon su extraordinario viaje, y explora las circunstancias que rodearon su muerte, marcando el fin de una era notable.
En este libro meticulosamente investigado y cautivadoramente escrito, Juan Carlos de la Cruz te lleva en un viaje transformador a travs de la vida extraordinaria de Jonathan Edwards. Descubre al hombre detrs de las ideas influyentes y sumrgete en el rico contexto histrico que dio forma a su legado extraordinario.
The Biography of Jonathan Edwards
Discover the captivating life and profound insights of Jonathan Edwards in this compelling book by acclaimed author Juan Carlos de la Cruz.
Along the 16 chapters, you will uncover the world in which Edwards lived, from the vibrant religious landscape of New England to his family, childhood, and education. Follow his transformative journey of conversion, calling, and spiritual pilgrimage, witnessing the impact on his life and ministry. Explore his marriage, children, and the deep roots of his ministerial heritage. Gain insights into Edwards’ working life, character, and unique preaching method that touched countless hearts. Delve into his influential theology and be enriched by the wisdom within his writings.
Witness the significance of revivals and their role in Edwards’ life. Learn about his renowned friends and mentors, who shaped his remarkable journey and explore the circumstances surrounding his death, which marked the end of a remarkable era.
In this meticulously researched and captivatingly written book, Juan Carlos de la Cruz takes you on a transformative journey through the extraordinary life of Jonathan Edwards. Discover the man behind the influential ideas and immerse yourself in the rich historical context that shaped his extraordinary legacy.
La Biografa de Jonathan Edwards, El ms grande pensador de Amrica, contiene 16 captulos del ms grande pensador, filsofo y telogo de Amrica de todos los tiempos.
- El mundo en los das de Edwards;
- La familia, infancia y educacin de Edwards;
- La conversin, el llamado y el peregrinaje espiritual de Edwards;
- El matrimonio y los hijos de Edwards;
- La historia de la religin de Edwards (puritanismo, separatismo, congregacionalismo) en Nueva Inglaterra desde la fundacin hasta Edwards;
- La herencia ministerial de Edwards;
- La vida laboral de Edwards;
- El carcter de Edwards;
- El mtodo de Edwards;
- La predicacin de Edwards;
- La teologa de Edwards;
- Los avivamientos y su significado en la vida de Jonathan Edwards;
- Los escritos de Edwards;
- Los amigos y mentores renombrados en la vida de Edwards;
- La muerte de Edwards;
- El legado familiar de Edwards; todo esto acompaado de una reflexin final y varios apndices que ilustran la vida y obra del Jonathan Edwards.
The Biography of Jonathan Edwards;America’s greatest thinkerby Dr. Juan Carlos De la Cruz, is an exhaustive investigation presented as a biography of the character in question. The work is an approach to the geopolitical, cultural, religious, family and personal environment of Jonathan’s life and work from every conceivable angle, including theological thought.This work includes the following 16 chapters of America’s greatest thinker, philosopher and theologian of all time.
- 1.The world in Edwards’ day;
- Edwards’ family, childhood and education;
- Edwards’ conversion, calling and spiritual pilgrimage;
- Edwards’ marriage and children;
- The history of Edwards’ religion (putiranism, separatism, congregationalism) in New England from the founding to Edwards;
- Edwards’ ministerial heritage;
- Edwards’ working life;
- Edwards’ character;
- Edwards’ method;
- Edwards’ preaching;
- Edwards’ theology;
- Revivals and their significance in the life of Jonathan Edwards;
- Edwards’ writings;
- Edwards’ renowned friends and mentors in Edwards’ life;
- Edwards’ death;
Edwards’ family eld; all accompanied by a final reflection and several appendices illustrating the life and work of the Jonathan Edwards.
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